Retro Ken

Retro Ken

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Enemy

            Tammy and I have been privileged to be able to start two small group Bible studies this past month. These classes are focused on resolving sin damage issues that have been impacting the lives of those in the classes. Several of the people have stated that this was their last resort to saving their marriage. One of the things that we mention at the very beginning of these classes was that they should expect that the enemy would attack them and try to keep them from completing the twelve week study, and that he would be particularly hard on them during the one week they definitely need to attend.

            Last night we were pleased to hear the people sharing how God has used these classes to begin the healing process in their marriages. One couple in particular shared how difficult this past week had been and that they had realized that it was an attack of the enemy of their souls. They immediately fought back and refused to give in to his schemes to drag them back in to the pit they had been living in just a few weeks ago. Everyone else quickly chimed in saying that they too have been experiencing attacks in the same way.

            I have been amazed at how little understanding and lack of preparation there is among believers in regards to Satan, evil spirits and their schemes they use to keep us bound in sin. Our enemy is real. The war between God and Satan is real. I have been noticing that many believers are not consciously aware of the battle raging around in the spirit realm. Many live as if they only exist in the natural realm of this world. They do not realize that as believers we live in two realms: the spiritual and the natural. We are impacted by what happens in both realms. Those who have not been made aware of the spiritual war they are in, typically approach every difficulty encountered as just another bump in the road of life.

            What I find encouraging is that God has not left us uninformed nor powerless in this war. In fact I have witnessed how simply exposing the lies and schemes of the enemy to the light of the truth of God’s Word, diminishes the power and hold they have on our lives. Paul tells us to expose the lies, the devices, the schemes of the devil and not let them continue to thrive in the darkness. God’s Word is the light that when properly aimed at the lies of the enemy destroys those lies.

            I have grieved as I have watched new believers begin to fall away from the Lord because no one discipled them. I have grieved over believers that have fallen into sin and destruction only to have those who are to care for their souls take a Laissez Faire attitude towards them saying, “It’s their choice.” When will the shepherds of the flock begin to wake up and realize they have been charged with caring for the souls of the sheep?

            It is time for the church to wake up. Our redemption is nearer than we have realized. The war is on. Our enemy is not sleeping. Instead he is busy stirring more and more trouble trying to thwart the work of the Lord in the last days. I love the fact that no matter what he attempts to throw in our path, God has given us the power, authority and the tools necessary to overcome every device he tries to use. It is time to begin practicing spiritual warfare. If you are not seeing the enemy at your doorstep, it may be because you are no threat to him at this time. Those who are moving into healing of the heart and soul and discovering the freedom and joy and power that is all wrapped up in the gospel, are the ones he targets.

            Become a target today!

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