Isaiah 29:1 – 16 is a strong message regarding God’s hatred of hypocrisy.
Beginning in verse 1 we see that God is sarcastic in His urging these hypocritical believers to continue with their sacrifices and feasts. It is their belief that by continuing to observe the feasts and continuing to go through the motions of sacrifice, that it would buy them favor with God and that they were in a good relationship with Him. But God is very clear, that it is what is in their heart that counts. The rituals are nothing to Him. In verse 13 the Lord calls it “lip service”. Their reverence is nothing more than traditions they learned by rote.
As we look at the subject of hypocrisy, we too need to examine our lives to see if we also have become like these ancient Israelite believers. Are we simply attending church and going through the motions of worship because that is what we’ve been taught to do? Do we attend small groups, and Bible studies and prayer meetings simply because that is what is expected of us? Are we simply complying to the wishes of those in leadership? When we sing during worship, is it a genuine expression of our heart that we are singing, or is it just what we do on Sunday morning? When we give our offerings, are we giving just because we think it is expected of us? Do we serve in some capacity for the church simply because someone asked us to do it?
God is not interested in the outward expression of worship, service or sacrifice that we give. He wants our hearts to be totally focused on Him. Not just on Sunday, but every day of the week. To be hypocritical is more than failing to put our whole heart into worship. It also involves our response to God’s Word. If we fail to follow the teachings, commands, principles and warnings given in the Bible, then we are being hypocritical. We are guilty of living as though God’s Word does not exist, but then turning around and saying with our lips “we believe God and we trust God and we worship God.” God calls that “lip service.” It is meaningless to Him. Without a wholehearted commitment to following the full Word of God, and doing everything He guides us to do, we are no better than these ancient believers.
The church today has reached a point where we have become lazy, and without knowledge and understanding of what His Word says. We spend more time involved with the things of this world than we do with Spiritual things. We have adopted the thought processes, attitudes and behaviors of the world and we have rejected God’s ways. As a result we are suffering the consequences of those decisions and the way of life we chose. Our families are suffering, many of our children have strayed away from the Lord, if they ever knew Him. They have rejected our God, because they have seen our hypocrisy and concluded that Christianity doesn’t really work. For far too many of our children it is a waste of time and energy to attend church. Why should they give up an hour or two on a Sunday morning just to go through the motions of worship? They would much rather do something they enjoy, like sleeping in, or going on a picnic, or to a sporting event. They look at our lives and what do they see? Divorce, fighting, drug use, alcohol use, pornography, lying, cheating. They know these things are not to be part of the life of a Christian, so they have chosen to turn away from the meaninglessness of religion. Can you blame them?
The true Christian is not hypocritical. Their life is marked by transformation. What they once were, they no longer are. Their behavior, thought patterns, and attitudes are contrary to those of this world system. Their lives are marked by blessings from God; miracles that can’t be explained; joy and peace. There is no turmoil in the home. There is instead, peace and harmony. Arguments are a thing of the past. Fear and control and temporal values are not found there. The home of the true disciple of Jesus is a home that stands apart of all the rest. People notice the love, care and concern for one another that marks the family that is not hypocritical. They become a magnet to those around them who are seeking answers to the struggles that plague their families. This is to be the home of the true Christian.
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