Retro Ken

Retro Ken

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hearing God Speak

John 10:3 – “…the sheep hear his voice.”

            One of the interesting and yet disturbing things that I have begun to notice among those who claim to be Christians, is how few of them know how to hear God speak to them. I was thinking back over the years, about all the sermons and teachings that I have heard, and I realized that I cannot remember one sermon or lesson being given on how to hear God speak to us when we pray. From my recollection it seems that almost all prayer that I have heard has been one-directional; it goes from us to God.

            As Tammy and I have been working with the people in our small groups we have noticed that most of them do not know how to communicate with God in prayer while having a two-way conversation. I have been appalled to see how little instruction is given to new believers on the subject of prayer. It is as though we have assumed that prayer is the most natural thing in the world – as if everyone should know how to pray. What I am seeing, however, is that most believers do not know how to pray. In part I think it is because we are now living in a post-Christian world where spiritual norms are not part of our culture anymore. We have even wondered at times whether some pastors know how to hear from God.

            Our God is a speaking God. He created the universe by speaking. He spoke with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He spoke with Abraham, Noah, and all the patriarchs of the Old Testament. Then Jesus comes along and says that when He speaks His sheep will know His voice. He further teaches that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things. Now how is the Holy Spirit going to teach us all things if we are not able to hear Him speak? God does not change. If He was speaking at the beginning of creation, He is still speaking now. He is not silent.

            I believe that part of our problem is two-fold. First we do not expect God to speak to us so as we pray we just ramble on until we are done speaking, then we go on our way, never stopping to see if God has anything to say to us. Second we do not recognize the ways in which God speaks.

            We were privileged recently to work with a young lady that had been deeply wounded in her life. As I led her to Jesus in prayer, I had her talk to Jesus as if in a conversation. I had her ask questions, then waited until Jesus answered her. Then we would go to the next point in the conversation. At one point I had her ask Jesus to give her a picture of how He saw her, because she did not think she was beautiful. The picture she received in her heart was of a daisy. I told her that Jesus was letting her know that she was beautiful like a daisy was beautiful. After spending time with this young lady, it was wonderful to see the change that had taken place in her countenance, attitude, and spirit within just a short time. It was all the result of the conversation she had with Jesus.

            These are some of the ways that I have found that God speaks with us. He may bring to mind a verse of Scripture, or a song or hymn. He may show us a picture, as He did with the young lady. He may give us a word picture that describes what He is trying to communicate to us. Sometimes it is just a feeling or a sense of being directed in some way. I have experienced God speaking through people, both saved and unsaved. After all, God once spoke through a donkey. I have also seen God speak to me through signs placed alongside the road. As Elijah found out, our God does not yell at us. He speaks in a still, small voice. He is gentle and loving in His communication to us, even during times of correction.

            If you have not experienced God speaking with you, then may I suggest that today, take a little time to pray with God, not just to God. Ask Him what He thinks or feels about you. Then pause and give Him a chance to respond. Ask Him if He can give you a picture of your heart, or maybe the heart of your children. Then wait to see how He responds. Usually the first thing that comes to you is the response from God.

            Over the years, I have found that every time I listen to God, and do what He has directed me to do, it always works out for my best. Begin to expect God to speak with you, and I believe you will enter into a new level of experience in your relationship with your heavenly Father.

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