Retro Ken

Retro Ken

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Urgent Warning For America

                Normally I am not one who claims that they receive “words” from the Lord. What I mean by that is that some people feel that God will occasionally speak something into their heart that is so unique that it could only have been the Spirit of God planting it in their spirit. It’s not that I don’t sense God leading me and speaking to me every week, but usually it is more subdued, more like a gentle nudging or prompting as I am counseling with someone or when I am putting my sermon together for that week. To have God so impress specific words upon my heart though, is something unusual for me. This morning though, that all changed.
                This morning I was praying and my spirit was being greatly stirred within me. It was like a giant whirlpool of the soul, pulling me inexorably into its depths. Then I began to receive a message that I can only tell you, it didn’t seem to come from me, but from the very heart of God. I quickly realized I needed to write this down so I wouldn’t forget any of it. So, I quickly grabbed pen and paper and as the words came, I jotted them down.  This blog is the result of that message.
                What was pulling on my heart and soul so heavily was the issue of abortion and the videos that have been made public of what actually takes place in the Planned Parenthood clinics. I myself could not watch the videos. I knew enough to know I wouldn’t be able to take it emotionally, to see what was happening to those little babies. As the weight of it descended on me, I began to groan and then the words began to pour forth.
                The first thing I heard God say in my spirit was, “This is the watershed issue that will determine whether the judgment of God falls heavily on this nation at this time or not.”  That word was quickly followed by these words from the Lord. “This (the abortion issue) is the line in the sand that will separate true believers from pretenders.
God says of these little babies being aborted, ‘These are my precious ones.’
God wants to remind us that Germany legalized the robbery, incarceration and murder of Jews, who are the apple of God’s eye, along with blacks, Gypsies and homosexuals among others. He wants us to remember the judgment that then fell upon that nation.
God also wants to remind us of Japan and the slavery and atrocities it committed during World War II and look at the judgment that came upon that nation.
God is calling on Christians in this country to stand up against this butchery and demand that it stop, NOW!!!
God has been holding back His judgment on this nation to see how we are going to respond. If we fail to turn from this sin, He will release full judgment on us.
What the church fails to condemn and stand against will come against the church.
This is the sword that will divide between those who will stand on God’s side and those who will stand on man’s side. The next sword will be the sword of judgment.
Those who support this butchery, God will butcher.
 There will be no election next year if America does not repent.”
Finally, God gave me James 5:1. “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you.”

Those of you who have been aware of the teaching of the Shemitah year and how that has played out here in America over the past 100 years, know that normally by this time there has been a tremendous downturn in our economy. In most cases the downturn happened either at the very end of the Shemitah year or within a few days of the end of the Shemitah. This year, September 13th marked the end of the Shemitah and many people were anxiously waiting to see what would transpire once it came and went. So far, everything has seemed to be continuing on as normal.
                There have been small drops in the market, but then it rebounds. Some people were wondering if there might be some catastrophic natural disaster that would befall our nation. Others thought some major act of terrorism might bring calamity. None of these have transpired so far, which as caught many by surprise. However, as I received this message from the Lord, I began to realize that He has been holding back the release of the judgment pending the outcome of this issue. Our response as believers is, I believe, critical at this time. Either we come together is full on condemnation of this horrid practice, or God will unleash judgment on us and on this nation.
                I believe He was pretty clear that the church in this nation that does not repent of this evil and do everything it can to stop it, will suffer the same type of butchery that these little innocent babies are suffering. It should be obvious to all who are paying attention, that this nation has been turning against Christians and that it has now reached a point where we are on the verge of all out attack against us. We who are evangelical are at the top of the list of those that this government considers dangerous and potential domestic terrorists.
                My fear is that many Christians will not stand against this abortion fiasco, because they believe it to be a partisan political issue and that we should not be involved in politics. I shouldn’t need to remind you that what happened in Nazi Germany was also considered to be a political issue. I shouldn’t need to remind you that the slavery in this country was also considered to be a political issue until the churches began to speak out against it.
                The Bible is very clear that whenever there is a conflict between man’s laws and God’s laws, we are to side with God. This is not a partisan political issue in God’s eyes. Those are human beings with souls and spirits that are being treated as if they are nothing more than pond scum in a petri dish in a science class.
                What we have allowed in this nation for the past forty-two plus years while we turned a blind eye, in the same way that the Germans turned a blind eye to what was happening in the concentration camps, is unconscionable. We have gone far beyond the sins of the Germans. They had one Dr. Josef Menegle. We have thousands of them masquerading as abortion providers and body parts peddlers. How sick have we become as a nation that we would complain about how the atrocity was exposed, rather than condemning those involved in the activity?
                I don’t care how the videos were obtained. I don’t care if they were edited. I do care that it is very obvious that those are little babies being heartlessly and cruelly sliced and diced for someone’s profit. We condemned and hanged many German military men who mistreated the people in the concentration camps. What then do these butchers of babies deserve?
                It’s not just our politicians that need to be taken to task over this issue. I see Yahoo and other Internet services, social media outlets, news media and entertainment figures defending this practice. It is time we began to flood the offices of Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC and others with emails and letters demanding they back down. It is time to take action. It is time to stand up and be counted whatever the cost.
                I still remember the 1960’s protests across this country. I remember the sit-ins that shut down businesses, colleges and universities until the protesters got what they wanted. Well now those radicals have become the mainstream media and thought police of today. They control our schools, our media and our politicians. At what point do we who claim to believe in the Lord God of heaven and Earth decide that they have gone too far and push back? Or are we too comfortable in our nice homes and driving our nice cars and watching fools parade themselves on TV to be bothered with standing up to protect the innocent?

                I don’t believe God is going to wait too long before making the decision on whether to bring major judgment to this nation or not. Let’s get on our faces before Him and make this issue a priority until it ends. May God help us all. 

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