Retro Ken

Retro Ken

Saturday, May 7, 2011


            I saw a news article this week about a state representative in Michigan who had given a speech regarding same sex marriage. The video of the speech had gone viral on the Internet and a portion of his speech was becoming a new mantra for the proponents of same sex marriages. He was defending the idea that same sex marriage should not be banned. In his statement he asked the question, “How many gays does God have to create before we accept them as normal?”
            Recently we watched a series of strong storms tear through the heart of our country. These storms killed nearly four hundred people. This past winter saw parts of the country receive large amounts of snow fall and we are already beginning to see areas along the Mississippi river beginning to experience flooding. The storms which recently tore through the southern states was one of the strongest storm systems to ever hit this country that we know of.
            I was just watching video of twin waterspouts off the beaches of Waikiki in Hawaii. (Waterspouts are weak tornados over water.) Twin waterspouts are extremely rare. Yet in combination with the storms we’ve seen in the south it seems to signal a change in the type of storms that are beginning to hit the United States of America.
            We might want to ask “Why should such storms and other disasters be hitting this country, at this time?”
            I believe the answer to that question lies in the historical foundations of our country. This country was discovered by Christians. It was founded by Christians. Our Constitution was written and approved by mostly Christian men. This country has traditionally been a Christian nation. As such, we have had a special relationship with God throughout our history. In fact our founding fathers made a covenant with God when they established this country. Since we have such a strong heritage and a covenant with God, we can expect that when this country begins to turn its back on God, there will be consequences. We can expect that God will begin to bring judgment on this country to try to turn the hearts of the people back to Himself.
            In Leviticus 26, God describes the type of judgments that He will bring on a nation that turns its back on Him. This passage was delivered to the nation of Israel before they entered the promised land. Yet it applies to any nation which like the United States of America was dedicated to following God. Beginning in Leviticus 26:14 God lists a series of judgments. The first thing that God brings against that nation is terror. It is interesting to note that this country had never known terrorism on our soil until the first attack on the World Trade Center in New York City in 1993. That year just happened to be the first year of the presidency of Bill Clinton. What has followed that initial attack has been a series of terrorist attacks both on our soil and against American citizens in foreign countries.
            In addition to terrorism, God says that he will allow strange diseases to come in followed by a fruitlessness in our economy. As we look back over the past eighteen years, we have noticed an increasing amount of infectious diseases that have struck this nation. Every year it seems a new health threat develops. I was noticing this week that we have had another possible salmonella warning regarding our food. Are these just random coincidences? I don’t believe they are.
            In 2001 we saw the first of the economic downturns that has destroyed much of the middle class in this nation. Just a decade ago, the middle class was strong, vibrant and the future looked bright. The stock markets were doing well. Optimism for the future was high. Then over a period of a few short weeks everything changed. This was followed seven years later by the greatest economic downturn in this country since the Great Depression of the 1930’s.
            It is time we as Christians begin to realize that we have allowed this country to drift away from its foundations. Right now, the California Supreme Court is considering whether or not to overturn the will of the people in California to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Based on the past history of this court, it would not surprise me to see them overturn Proposition 8. If that happens and if the Christians in this state do not stand up in strong opposition to it I believe we could see a major disaster strike California within a short period of time. The last time the courts in California voted to allow gay marriage, this state was struck the next day with over 1800 lightning strikes which started wildfires all over Northern California. Such an event was not a coincidence. God was sending a message to His people and we better be listening.
            The time has come for Christians to stand up and be counted. We need God’s blessing on this country in order to have the freedom to spread the gospel and bring in the harvest in these last days. I have taken the time in recent weeks to send emails to a couple of groups that support same sex marriage, including the state representative mentioned at the top of this blog. I would urge you to no longer remain silent on these issues. Join me in writing to those who are supporting the spread of evil in this country, and let them know that their wickedness is bringing God’s judgment on this nation.

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